Community Empowerment Through
Black Men Healing Conference
We are seeking workshop proposals for the upcoming 17th Annual Community Empowerment Through Black Men Healing Conference held on June 26 & 27, 2025, at St. Paul College. This year's theme is “Black Fathers.” The conference will focus on prenatal care and beyond by critically examining the current challenges of fathers' involvement in their children's lives while exploring culturally sensitive approaches that celebrate and uplift Black fathers.
Submit your proposal to Sam Simmons at The deadline is March 14, 2025. Notification will be sent to the Primary presenter by March 24, 2025. Submit your proposal NOW!
“It’s easy to become a baby’s daddy but the real challenge is to become a father.”
Speaker Responsibilities
You must be available on Thursday, June 26th, at 10:30 or 1 pm.
Supply a laptop and/or the presentation on a flash drive.
To provide an electronic PDF copy of the handout materials by June 16, 2025, to be posted on the conference website for the attendees to download. If you will supply hard copies, make at least 40 to accommodate attendees on the workshop day.
Speakers may not sell or promote a product during workshop time. Workshops are strictly educational.
Submit all questions by email to Sam Simmons at
Speaker Benefits
We will make available to you and one co-presenter free conference registration, including meals.
We will promote the workshop and presenters through the website and by mailing them.
We will provide (1) screen and (1) LCD Projector for each workshop. Additional equipment will be at the presenter’s
We are seeking submissions that will provide conference attendees with the best culturally competent and community based strategies on the following topics:
Mental Health
Perinatal Care
Doula Services
Father Programming
Generational Trauma
Family stability policy
Post Birth (Postpartum)
The Role of the Community
The Role of The Faith Community
Early Childhood Development (father and male involvement, education, etc.)
Self Care
Male Trauma
Grief and loss
Gender Issues
Multi-generational Healing
Policy And Systems Changes/Bias
Healthy/Non-Violent Relationships
Professional Self-Care and/or Healing
State and local efforts to create culturally sensitive trauma-informed systems
Note: Open to presentations on other topics related to trauma awareness, healing, resilience and policy change.
Contact us
3033 27th Ave S
P.O. Box 6120
Minneapolis, MN 55406-9998
PHONE: 612-721-0106