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We are seeking workshop proposals for the upcoming 16th Annual Community Empowerment Through Black Men Healing Conference held on June 20 and 21, 2024, at Metropolitan State University St. Paul Campus. This year’s theme is “The Black Family”. We will take a critical deep dive into the current challenges in the black community and its relationship to the health of the family and explore practical trauma-informed, culture-sensitive approaches that lead to healing.

Since its inception in 2009, the conference's mission has provided an opportunity for meaningful community engagement and access to national and local educators and community practitioners to discuss and introduce practical, culturally sensitive trauma-informed initiatives leading to the improved health and wellness of African American men and their families. We realize that a stronger, thriving African American community improves the health of the community and the society as a whole.

We are seeking submissions that will provide conference attendees with the best culturally competent and community based strategies on the following topics:


  • Male Trauma

  • Grief and loss

  • Generational trauma

  • The relationship between black men and black women in the community.


  • Family stability policy

  • Community empowerment

  • Early childhood development (father and male involvement, education, co-parenting, etc.)

  • State and local efforts to create culturally sensitive trauma-informed systems (i.e., violence prevention and intervention, equity, criminal justice, child welfare, and education systems)


  • Healthy eating

  • Gender Issues

  • Fidelity Issues

  • The role of the faith community

  • Professional self-care and/or healing

  • Best practices around incorporating African principles.

  • Intergenerational leadership, including collaboration and succession.

Note:  Open to presentations on other topics related to trauma awareness, healing, resilience and policy change.


  • Self Care

  • Multi-generational Healing

  • Healthy/Non-Violent relationships

  • Community-based initiatives: violence prevention and intervention, education, etc.

Speaker Responsibilities

  • You must be available on Thursday, June 20th, at 10:30 or 1 pm. Submit by Friday, April 1, 2024.

  • Notification will be emailed to the Primary presenter by Monday, April 15, 2024.

  • Supply a laptop and/or the presentation on a flash drive.

  • Provide an electronic PDF copy of the handout materials by June 14, 2023, to be posted on the conference website for the attendees to download.  If you will supply hard copies, make at least 40 to accommodate attendees on the workshop day.

  • Speakers may not sell or promote a product during workshop time. Workshops are strictly educational.

  • Submit all questions by email to Sam Simmons at .

Contact us

3033 27th Ave S

P.O. Box 6120

Minneapolis, MN 55406-9998 

PHONE: 612-721-0106 


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