Community Empowerment Through
Black Men Healing Conference

June 23rd - Day One

“Why the focus on Black Men Healing?: the conference history"
Samuel Simmons, Jr., LADC, Behavioral Consultant and Conference Organizer

Dr. Oliver J. Williams, Executive Director of the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community.
Dr. Mark G. Harden, dean of intercultural relations at Bethel College.
Charles Helm is a doctoral student in Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology Program at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. Rose Brewer, professor of African American & African Studies at the University of Minnesota.
Dr. William Oliver, associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Indiana University.
Professor Nekima Levy-Pounds, Esq., associate professor of law at University of St. Thomas School of Law.
"Will focusing on the healing of black men empower the community? And why?"

June 24th - Day Two

“Early Trauma: the effects on African American men”
Dianne Haulcy, chief operating officer of The Family Partnership.
This presentation focus is to raise awareness about issues of early childhood trauma as it relate to African American men and their standing in the community, and to explore ways to improve service and health outcomes for these men and their families by generating trauma-informed services.

Morning Workshops
“The Change Begins Within – A Faith-Based Perspective on Healing the Black Community” Pastors Tim and Jessica Jackson, New Living Way Christian Center
“Raising Daughters and Loving Son – The Psychological and Social Implications for the African American Community” Harry Ford, MSW, LICSW
“Healing begins with the Father - FEAR has no place in health and progress” Nicole E. Randolph

“The Citizen Father Project"
The FATHER Project
The Citizen Father Project is a community action project developed in partnership between the Citizen Professional Center (U of M) and the FATHER Project. Information about the Families and Democracy Model as a framework for the work will be discussed, as well as the impact and broader vision of this initiative

Afternoon Workshops
“Young Black Males vs. Adult Manhood Description” LaRone R. Greer, MSW. Project Imani
“PTSD/Depression: the impact on the Somali community” Ali Jamal Shireh, Mental Health Practitioner, MA, Somali Domestic Violence Outreach & Somali Mental Health Education Project
“From Socialization to Liberation: Examining Males of Color Identity Development through the Lens of Social and Media Constructs” Change Agent Consultants: Each One, Reach One, Teach One Marcellus Davis, Kenneth Turner, Raul Ramos and Alexander Hines
Creating Respect! Psychodrama of Change! Violet Arnold, Double Dutch LLC.

"Deconstructing Our Trauma In Pursuit Of Healing”
Dr. William Oliver, associate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice at Indiana University.
Dr. William Oliver is the author of “The Violent Social World of Black Men”
The key elements of African American Trauma
How trauma begets consequences and cycles of personal and social disorganization
Overview of key pathways necessary for African American Healing