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“The pain of the past can blind us to love but healing can allow us to accept it”

June 25th - Day One

9 am to 4:30 pm

“A call to action, addressing gender
and community health”  
Dr. McManus is Co-Founder and President/CEO of the Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc., The BHCW is a community-based health advocacy organization. 

Dr. McManus is a national consultant on, domestic violence, infant mortality, and community empowerment and capacity building for African American communities.  She will explore gender and health care issues in the context of cultural competence, systems change and resiliency. She will highlight community empowerment and capacity building in African American communities to increase access, quality and inclusion both locally and nationally.

Morning Workshops


  • "Message to Our Sons: A Mother's Perspective" Verona Mitchell, Ph.D. from  CulTives - Cultural Perspectives & Associates

  • SEEN ON DA THE STREETS presents “sex in your hood” Fred Evans, Community Health Coordinator and staff from Fremont Clinic 

  • Patricia McManus, RN, PhD, CNPM, President/CEO, Black Health Coalition of Wisconsin, Inc.

“What about the children?”  

Sam Simmons, LADC, behavioral consultant and Jodi Anderson, probation agent will discuss a promising practice designed to work with African American men 18 to 35 that focuses on the collateral effect on children while living in a conflicted /violent household or relationship.

 Afternoon Workshops


  • “Men’s Roles to Men’s Souls: Men Making Progress” A Successful Informal Program Model of Men Helping Men Heal and Succeed. The workshop will be moderated Curtis Marshall, MS, Public Health Educator and Consultant for the Wisconsin Division of Public Health (WDPH). 

  • “Pimpology: Sex trafficking and the African American Community” the Family Partnership PRIDE program team 

  • “Youth Violence Prevention” Sasha Cotton, Senior Public Health Specialist and Youth Violence Prevention Coordinator with the City of Minneapolis and Minneapolis Health Department 

"Historical trauma and gender issues in the African American community"

Samuel Simmons, Jr., LADC, Behavioral Consultant and Conference Organizer

This presentation will explore gender in the context of race, sexuality and socioeconomics, and the manner in which historical trauma is linked to perceptions, beliefs and behavior. Also, it will examine the possible conscious or unconscious influence of gender stereotypes on the community and professionals.

June 26th - Day Two

9 am to 12:30 pm

Dr. Cleo Manago
Dr. Cleo Manago is a behavioral health expert, socio-political analyst, educator,  community researcher and film documentarian. 

Since 1988 Dr. Manago has founded several often emulated archetypes and national organizations, including the African, American Advocacy, Support-Services & Survival Institute (or AmASSI Centers) and Black Men’s Xchange National (or BMX) - where he is CEO/Founder and President.  BMX is the nation's oldest and largest community-based movement devoted to the advocacy, affirmation, education and defense of diverse Black males. Projects are based throughout the US, in Hilbrow District, South Africa; and throughout Brazil where Dr. Manago has worked with Black Parliament officials to reduce assassinations of Black men and boys.  

“Gender issues in the African American Community:
framing a message of healing"
Facilitated by Dr. Tina M. Jackson is the Program Coordinator for Community College Programs at the University of Texas at Austin.  Ms. Jackson is the founder of The Surviving the Game Conference in Minneapolis, MN, which focuses on educating, empowering and guiding students toward economic development. Ms. Jackson is well-known in social service and academic circles for her vitality and commitment to youth development and mentorship. 

This panel will discuss and examine gender issues in the African American community and the linked to physical, mental, sexual and community health.


  • Andrea Jenkins is an Award winning poet and writer. Andrea is a Fellowship in the Cultural Community Leadership Institute at Intermedia Arts and sponsored by the Bush Foundation and named a fellow in the Many Voices Fellowship at the Playwrights Center. Andrea works as Oral Historian for the Transgender Oral History Project, for the Tretter Collection at the University of Minnesota.

  • Brandon Jones, M.A. is a Mental Health Practitioner. Brandon comes from an African Centered perspective in the therapeutic realm. Specializations in male development, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Historical and Intergenerational trauma, domestic violence, adolescents, healthy relationships

  • Rev. Dr. Melvin G. Miller is Co-Pastor with his father the Rev. Dr. Earl F. Miller at Progressive Baptist Church. Dr. Miller leads a number of key church initiatives including the youth and family discipleship program called Year-of-the-child (a.k.a. Y.O.T.C.). 

  • Jess Pierce has dedicated her career to being an advocate on behalf of youth. When she is not on the frontline, advocating and assisting young people, she is either presenting or drumming. Jess is currently a Case Manager for Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis, working with youth in a shelter setting.

“The village that hides the truth cannot expect to heal but to pass on the pain.”

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